Late composer Peter Foley was a talented artist, wonderful collaborator, and dear friend of mine. We miss him dearly, and it was bittersweet to celebrate him at his remembrance concert this past summer.
Peter’s widow, Kate Chisholm, has created an incredible home for his work at the Peter Foley Music Project. In particular, I would like to introduce you to the pages for The Names We Gave Him, the musical that Peter and I wrote together.
Loosely based on a true story, The Names We Gave Him is about an amnesiac veteran of the First World War, the doctor who treated him, and the many women who, in denial of their grief, claimed him as their lost beloved. With a richly textured, dramatic score and riveting choral music, this new musical explores the agony of war for both the soldiers and the families they leave behind, the distorting power of loss, and the insistence of love. What is a country’s identity in the aftermath of such devastation? What is a self without memory?
At this link, you can read more about the work as well as listen to 8 tracks featuring Peter’s music and my lyrics:
At this link, you can access the full set of demo recordings, a perusal script, and a one sheet. However, this page does require a password to access; it is intended for those inquiring about further development or performance of the piece. Please message me through the Contact page if you would like to request access this additional page, or send your inquiry to
It is my strong belief that Peter would want this work to reach peoples’ ears, eyes, and hearts. I hope you will enjoy learning more about The Names We Gave Him. For more about Peter, this piece by Adam Gopnick for the New Yorker gives a wonderful sense of him:
photographs of The Names We Gave Him, Montclair University, 2021
Directed by Lisa Rothe
Photos by Gennadi Novash