Peter Foley was my dear friend and longest-standing collaborator. As a composer, he wrote music of intricacy, power, and extraordinary beauty.

As a friend, he was always generous, wise, and a hell of a lot of fun. 

He died in August in 2021. 

This is his memorial concert. A pretty stunning collection of talent, all Peter’s friends, are coming together to make this happen.

Songs from a vast variety of his works for the theater will be performed, including several from our collaboration, The Names We Gave Him.

I will be coming back for one night only from Colorado Shakespeare Festival to see it.

Join me if you can. It’s going to be a great night.

Mon, Jun 5, 2023
Peter Jay Sharp Theatre

Come hear Broadway's finest perform a dazzling range of Peter Foley’s songs from The Hidden Sky, The Names We Gave Him, Bloom, Songs from an Unmade Bed, and more, in a one-night-only, all-Foley celebration concert at Peter Norton Symphony Space in New York City. Hosted by Eisa Davis and Manoel Felciano, the evening features a star-studded cast performing Peter’s theater, cabaret, and art songs with a 9-piece band and 20-person chorus. Grammy and Emmy Award winner Rob Berman music supervises and conducts.

Find out why Stephen Sondheim described Peter as "among the best of his generation at setting lyrics and writing music that evokes character and mood.”